Singing Guide: Donna Summer

Singing Guide: Donna Summer

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Donna Summer was an artist with a wide vocal range and remarkable vocal control. Her singing style was known for its power, agility, and soulfulness. If you want to learn how to sing like Donna Summer, there are a few techniques you should focus on.

  • One of the essential aspects of Donna's singing style is the use of vibrato. She used a natural vibrato to add richness and warmth to her voice. To learn vibrato, you can use Singing Carrots' "Singing with Vibrato" article. The article explains the basics of the technique and offers exercises to help you develop your own natural vibrato. You can also use the Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce videos for additional guidance.
  • Another important aspect of Donna's singing style is the use of twang. Twang is a technique that creates a brighter, more focused sound, which can be used to emphasize certain notes and create an energetic vocal performance. You can learn twang using Singing Carrots' "Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting" article and "How to Twang Exercise" video.
  • Donna also used a lot of chest voice in her singing. This technique involves using the lower part of the vocal range to create a powerful and robust sound. Singing Carrots' "Chest Voice Explained" video can help you learn how to use your chest voice effectively.
  • Additionally, Donna's singing style was characterized by her use of dynamics, using dramatic volume and tempo changes to create emotion and drama in her performances. Check out "How to learn a song effectively" and "Tips for performing on stage" articles to learn how to add dynamics to your performances.
  • Finally, to develop your overall vocal technique, Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test can help you understand your own vocal strengths and weaknesses. Use Pitch Training to work on pitch and range, resonance, and breath control.

By incorporating these techniques and tools, along with Donna Summer's unique vocal style, you can learn to sing like Donna Summer and add some soulful energy to your own singing.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.